Historical Maps
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1168 Native American Heritage--The First Americans--National Geographic 1991
1168-2 Native American Heritage--The First Americans--National Geographic 1991--side 2
Colorado, Rangely Anicline; Rio Blanco and Moffat Counties--1944
Map 115Map 1157 US Geological Survey--Hells Canyon Quadrangle--1954--Red Onion School--Nick Wieland First Homestead--Clark Feltch Homestead
Map 1000 - Alma Taylor Plateau Vegetation Management Project- Inventoried Roadless Area (Nov 2005)--History--Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1001 - Ashley National Forest 1945 (compiled at Regional Office Ogden, 1927 from USGS, GLO, Forest Service and Other Surveys. Revised by P.S. Bieler, 1945)--History--Maps--Ashley National Forest--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1002 - Ashley National Forest Proposed Travel Alternatives (Alt. C) Vernal Ranger District April 2009--History--Maps--Ashley National Forest--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1003 - Ashley National Forest, Roosevelt, Flaming Gorge and Vernal Ranger Districts. 1971. Utah and Wyoming--History--Maps--Ashley National Forest--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1004 - Ashley National Forest, Utah and Wyoming. 1928--History--Maps--Ashley National Forest--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1005 - Ashley National Forest, Utah and Wyoming. 1933--History--Maps--Ashley National Forest--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1006 - Ashley National Forest, Utah, 1955. US Dept of Agriculture--History--Maps--Ashley National Forest--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1007 - Ashley National Forest, Utah, Salt Lake And Uinta Special Meridians. 1955 (reprint of 1945 edition with Forest boundary revision to 7-1-1954) (rolled)--History--Maps--Ashley National Forest--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1008 - Ashley Valley 1907. Reconnaissance Map, USGS (includes description of the topographic map on back)--History--Maps--Ashley Valley--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1009 - Ashley Valley Map - late 1970's--History--Maps--Ashley Valley--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1010 - Ashley Valley Survey - Asphalt Ridge - T5S R21 SLM Surveyed by AD Ferron in 1879--History--Maps--Ashley Valley--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1011 - Ashley Valley Survey - T4S R21E SLM ( Aprx June 1879)--History--Maps--Ashley Valley--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1012 - Ashley Valley Survey - T5S R20E SLM (no date - early 1900's ?)--History--Maps--Ashley Valley--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1013 - Ashley, Utah reprint edition of Dec. 1885 map. US Dept of the Interior: USGS (National Carographic Information Center - Roll No. 126, Frame No. 048)--History--Maps--Ashley Valley--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1014 - Bennett and Leeton Map - Uintah County, Utah--History--Maps--Bennett, Utah--Leeton,Utah--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1015 - Bonneville Lake map (A Water body of the Quaternary Period) ©1984--History--Maps--Lake Bonneville--Water Resources
Map 1016 - Camp Douglas Sketch, Utah Territory, June 1864--History--Maps--Utah Territory
Map 1017 - Camp Floyd Surveyed and Drawn January 1859 (rolled)--History--Maps--Utah Territory
Map 1018 - Canyonlands National Park (Lin Ottinger Tours) Map and brochure ©1972--History--Maps--National Parks--Utah
Map 1019 - Denver Northwestern and Pacific Railway "Moffat Road" and Projected Lines, Denver, Colorado April 1st, 1911--Maps--History--Railroads
Map 1020 - Dry Fork (aka Mountain Dell or Hallsville.) prepared by Oral Merkley and Liz Weist--History--Maps--Ashley Valley--Uintah County (Utah);Duchesne, Duchesne County, Utah; Sanborn Map Company, April 1917. (Courtesy of Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)
Map 1021 - Duchesne, Duchesne County, Utah; Sanborn Map Company, April 1917. (Courtesy of Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Duchesne County (Utah)
Map 1022 - Duchesne, Duchesne County, Utah; Sanborn Map Company, April 1917. Corrected July 1931. (Courtesy of Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm)--History--Maps--Duchesne County (Utah)
Map 1023 - East Tavaputs, Utah-Colorado. reprint edition of Dec. 1885 map. US Dept of the Interior: USGS (National Carographic Information Center - Roll No. 126, Frame No. 408)--History--Maps--Tavaputs Plateau, Utah-Colorado
Map 1024 - Energy Project Sites, Uintah County. 1980's--Maps--History--Oil & Gas--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1025 - Fort Bridger, Original Survey--Maps--History--Wyoming--Forts--Trails
Map 1026 - Fort Duchesne, Utah, Reservation Map, Nov 29, 1907--Maps--History--Utah--Forts--Trails
Map 1027 - Fort Thornburgh, Map of the road from Park City to Ft. Thornburgh. Sept 1881--Maps--History--Utah--Forts--Trails
Map 1028 - Fort Thornburgh, Proposed Reservation for Post--Maps--History--Utah--Forts--Trails
Map 1029 - Fort Uintah, Fort Thornburgh, Fort Bridger and old trails, Utah-Wyoming. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society.)--History--Utah--Wyoming--Forts--Trails
Map 1030 - Green River Survey. Jul 3, 1961. Preliminary Map of Green River from Green River Station to Uintah River. (11" x 17")--History--Maps--Green River--Water--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1031 - Green River Survey. Jul 3, 1961. Preliminary Map of Green River from Green River Station to Uintah River. (20" x 30")--History--Maps--Green River--Water--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1032 - Green River Survey. Jul 3, 1961. Preliminary Map of Green River from Green River Station to Uintah River. (24" x 36")--History--Maps--Green River--Water--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1033 - Hastings Cutoff in Wyoming. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society)--History--Maps--Wyoming
Map 1034 - Indian Reservation (Uintah) and part of the Uncompahgre Indian Reservation. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society.)--Maps--History--Utes--Uncompahgre--Indian Culture
Map 1035 - Indian Reservation, Sketch of the proposed, 1856. National Archives, records of the Dept of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, Utah Superintendency File--Maps--History--Utes--Uncompahgre--Indian Culture
Map 1036 - Jensen, Utah-Colorado. Edition of June 1910 map. US Dept of the Interior: USGS (National Carographic Information Center - Roll No. 127, Frame No. 162)--Maps--History--Quadrangle maps--Utah-Colorado
Map 1037 - Johnson's New Military Map of the United States (western half), showing forts, military posts and all military divisions, 1861. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society)--Maps--History--Military--Johnson
Map 1038 - Lake Powell and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. Recreational Facilities and Services. September 1969--Maps--History--National Recreation Areas--Utah--Arizona
Map 1039 - Maeser, Plat Map 1935 - 1945--Maps--History--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1040 - Marsh Peak Quad; Utah-Wyoming. 1905 - 1906 (USGS) Includes description of the topographic map on back.--Maps--History--Quadrangle Maps--Utah--Wyoming
Map 1041 - Marsh Peak Quad; Utah-Wyoming. Edition of June 1908 (USGS)--Maps--History--Quadrangle Maps--Utah--Wyoming
Map 1042 - Marsh Peak, Utah-Wyoming. Edition of June 1908 map US Dept of the Interior: USGS (National Carographic Information Center - Roll No. 127, Frame No. 303))--Maps--History--Quadrangle Maps--Utah--Wyoming
Map 1043 - No map
Map 1044 - Massey Ranch and Massey Meadow early residents - hand drawn map--Maps--History--Dry Fork--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1045 - Mexico, USGS, Bulletin 817, Plate 6, Part of the map of Mexico prepared by J. Disturnell and published in New York in 1847--Maps--History--Mexico
Map 1046 - Moffat County, Colorado 2010 Brochure (City of Craig, Colorado map)--Maps--History--Moffat County (Colorado)
Map 1047 - Movements of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also the routes of the Mormon Battalion, Zion's Camp and important data. 1928 (Rolled)--Maps--Hisoty--Mormon Battalion--Zion's Camp--Utah
Map 1048 - Myton, Duchesne County, Utah; Sanborn Map Company, April 1917. (Courtesy of Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Sanborn Map--Duchesne County (Utah)
Map 1049 - Myton, Duchesne County, Utah; Sanborn Map Company, April 1917. Corrected July 1931. (Courtesy of Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Sanborn Map--Duchesne County (Utah)
Map 1050 - Myton, Pleasant Valley and Sandwash Road. Bert and Diana Jenson--Maps--History--Myton--Pleasant Valley--Sandwash--Roads
Map 1095 - Utah map showing towns, settlements, main wagon roads, counties and land grants as of 1858. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society.)--Maps--History--Roads--Settlements--Utah
Map 1096 - Utah Road Map ©1940 by H. M. Goushua Co. Prepared exclusively for Standard Oil Company of California--Maps--History--Roads--Utah
Map 1097 - Utah State Roads 1915 - 1916 State Road Commission--Maps--History--Roads--Utah
Map 1098 - Utah Territory - showing counties, 1857. Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society--Maps--History--Utah
Map 1099 - Utah Territory 1884 (Northern and northeastern Utah)--Maps--History--Utah
Map 1100 - Utah Territory and Military Dept map. 1860. Copied from negative film. Bureau of Topographic Engineers of the War Department--Maps--History--Roads--Military--Utah
Map 1101 - Utah Territory and Military Dept. 1860 (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society)--Maps--History--Roads--Military--Utah
Map 1102 - Utah, 1868 Map - Western part--Maps--History--Roads--Utah
Map 1103 - Utah, 1881 Map; From Rand, McNally and Co. Indexed Atlas of the WorldUtah, 1881--Maps--History--Roads--Utah
Map 1104 - Utah, Froiseth's Sectional & Mineral Map, 1875, northeastern portion only--Maps--History--Roads--Utah
Map 1105 - Utah-Northeastern Corner; West's New Sectional & Topographical Map-1885--Maps--History--Roads--Topography--Utah
Map 1106 - Utah-Prospector's map, the Rio Grande Western Railway. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society)--Maps--History--Roads--Railroads--Utah
Map 1107 - Vernal and Ashley Valley - 1980's--Maps--History--Vernal--Ashley Valley--Roads--Utah
Map 1108 - Vernal and Ashley Valley, late 1970's (including Jensen, Steinaker and Dry Fork) (rolled)--Maps--History--Vernal--Ashley Valley--Steinaker--Dry Fork--Roads--Utah
Map 1109 - Vernal and Ashley Valley, late 1970's--Maps--History--Vernal--Ashley Valley--Roads--Utah
Map 1110 - Vernal City - Early 1980's--Maps--History--Vernal--Roads--Utah
Map 1111 - Vernal City Business Locations, early 1900's hand drawn--Maps--History--Vernal--Roads--Utah
Map 1112 - Vernal City Map - late 1970's --Maps--History--Vernal City--Roads--Utah
Map 1113 - Vernal City Map - late 1970's --Maps--History--Vernal City--Roads--Utah
Map 1114 - Vernal City, Official map (Surveyor's Certificate) June 1907--Maps--History--Vernal City--Roads--Utah
Map 1115 - Vernal Memorial Park Cemetery --Maps--History--Vernal--Cemetery--Roads--Utah
Map 1116 - Vernal Milling and Light Company, 1901. Survey of Company power line--Maps--History--Vernal City--Roads--Utah
Map 1117 - Vernal Quad; Utah-Wyoming. 1913 - 1914 (USGS) Includes description of the topographic map on back--Maps--History--Vernal--Quadrangle--Roads--Wyoming--Utah
Map 1118 - Vernal Quadrangle, 1917 edition (USGS)--Maps--History--Quadrangle--Utah
Map 1119 - Vernal Utah Ashley Stake Ward Boundaries 1975 --Maps--History--Vernal--Ashley Stake--Roads--Utah
Map 1120 - Vernal, NE sheet - USGS 1964 with 1879 Ashley Valley superimposed--Maps--History--Vernal--Ashley Valley--Roads--Utah
Map 1121 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, sheet 1. Sanborn Map Company, December 1910. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1122 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, sheet 1. Sanborn Map Company, May 1917 . (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1123 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, sheet 1. Sanborn Map Company, May 1917. Corrected July 1931. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1124 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, sheet 2. Sanborn Map Company, December 1910. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1125 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, sheet 2. Sanborn Map Company, December 1910. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1126 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, sheet 2. Sanborn Map Company, May 1917. Corrected July 1931. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1127 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, sheet 3. Sanborn Map Company, May 1917 . (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1128 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, sheet 3. Sanborn Map Company, May 1917. Corrected July 1931. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1129 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, sheet 4. Sanborn Map Company, May 1917 . (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1130 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, sheet 4. Sanborn Map Company, May 1917. Corrected July 1931. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1131 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah; Sanborn Map Co., sheet 1, May 1917 with index (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1132 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah; Sanborn Map Co., sheet 1, Dec 1910 (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1133 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah; Sanborn Map Co., sheet 2, Dec 1910 (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1134 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah; Sanborn Map Co., sheet 2, May 1917 (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1135 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah; Sanborn Map Co., sheet 3, May 1917 (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1136 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah; Sanborn Map Co., sheet 4, May 1917 (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1137 - Vernal, Utah 'The Convention City' prior to 1968 and after 1968--Maps--History--Vernal--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1138 - Wagon Routes in Utah Territory Explored and Opened 1858-59--Maps--History--Wagon Routes--Utah
Map 1139 - Wagon Road, Ft. Kearney South Pass & Honey Lake. 1857-58. Copied from negative film. Bureau of Topographic Engineers of the War Department--Maps--History--Wagon Routes--Utah
Map 1140 - Wagon Routes in Utah Territory (Uinta Basin) 1858 - 1859--Maps--History--Wagon Routes--Uinta Basin--Utah
Map 1141 - Wagon Routes in Utah Territory Explored and Opened 1858-59 --Maps--History--Wagon Routes--Utah
Map 1142 - Vernal, Utah Central Business District. Late 1970's with Ashley Center Fort superimposed (rolled)--Maps--History--Vernal--Ashley Center--Forts--Uintah (Utah)
Map 1143 - Uintah Indian Reservation boundary 1875-1903--1949-10-04
Map 1144 Ashley National Forest - Forest Atlas Jan 1909--Maps--History--Map Atlas--Ashley
Map 1145 Territories & Pacific States by Samuel Bowles--1865
Map 1146 1882-1917 Uintah County
Map 1147 1906-1940 Uintah County
Map 1149 Topo and Geological Survey of Green River No. 1, Preliminary Map of Green River: From Green River Station to Uintah River
Map 1150 Blue Mountain--Roads--Land Owners--On the Rangley Co(2) Pipeline Project Map--1984
Map 1151 US Geological Survey--Utah Ashley Sheet--Edition of December 1885 (Copy)
Map 1152 US Geological Survey--Plug Hat Rock Quadrangle--1962; Blue Mountain Land Owners--Dinosaur National Monument
Map 1153 US Geological Survey--1968 Snake John Reef, Utah and Colo K Ranch K Ranch
Map 1154 US Geological Survey 1968--Cliff Ridge Quadrangle--Uintah County, Utah--Bourdette Draw-Powder Wash-Snake John Reef
Map 1155 US Geological Survey--Stuntz Reservoir Quadrangle--1955
Map 1156 US Geological Survey--Split Mountain Quadrangle--1955 Bassett Information
Map 1158 US Geological Survey--M F Mountain Quadrangle--Moffat Co, Colorado--Blue Mountain--Homes and Ranches
Map 1159 US Geological Survey--Haystack Rock Quadrangle--Moffat Co, Colorado--1962; Blue Mountain Land Owners--Ranches
Map 1160 US Geological Survey--Skull Creek Quadrangle--Moffat Co, Colorado--1962; Blue Mountain Land Owners and Ranches
Map 1161 US Geological Survey--Tanks Peak Quadrangle--Moffat Co, Colorado--1962; Blue Mountain Land Owners and Ranches
Map 1162 US Geological Survey--Lazy Y Point Quadrangle--Moffat Co, Colorado--1962; Blue Mountain Land Owners and Ranches
Map 1163 US Geological Survey--Elk Springs Quatrangle--Moffat Co, Colorado--1960; Blue Mountain
Map 1164 US Geological Survey--Indian Water Canyon Quatrangle--Moffat Co, Colorado--1962; Blue Mountain
Map 1165 Dinosaur National Monument--1971
Map 1166 Blue Mountain--2002--Uintah Engineering
Map 1167 Uinta Mountains--Bruce H. Wegener--1973
Map 1948 Uintah County Stage Coach Road from Dragon to Vernal and Dragon to Ft. Duchesne
New Mexico East San Juan Basin Formations; Oil and Gas Investigations--US DOI GS--1946
Principe Orders of Insects Chart
Utah Map--Foreseth's New Mineral and Sectional Map--1878--Towns, Cities, County Boundaries, Rivers, and Lakes
Vernal Phosphate Area USGS --1950--Preliminary Geological Strip Maps of Formations--1973
Vernal Phosphate Area USGS Contour Map--1950
1168-2 Native American Heritage--The First Americans--National Geographic 1991--side 2
Colorado, Rangely Anicline; Rio Blanco and Moffat Counties--1944
Map 115Map 1157 US Geological Survey--Hells Canyon Quadrangle--1954--Red Onion School--Nick Wieland First Homestead--Clark Feltch Homestead
Map 1000 - Alma Taylor Plateau Vegetation Management Project- Inventoried Roadless Area (Nov 2005)--History--Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1001 - Ashley National Forest 1945 (compiled at Regional Office Ogden, 1927 from USGS, GLO, Forest Service and Other Surveys. Revised by P.S. Bieler, 1945)--History--Maps--Ashley National Forest--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1002 - Ashley National Forest Proposed Travel Alternatives (Alt. C) Vernal Ranger District April 2009--History--Maps--Ashley National Forest--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1003 - Ashley National Forest, Roosevelt, Flaming Gorge and Vernal Ranger Districts. 1971. Utah and Wyoming--History--Maps--Ashley National Forest--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1004 - Ashley National Forest, Utah and Wyoming. 1928--History--Maps--Ashley National Forest--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1005 - Ashley National Forest, Utah and Wyoming. 1933--History--Maps--Ashley National Forest--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1006 - Ashley National Forest, Utah, 1955. US Dept of Agriculture--History--Maps--Ashley National Forest--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1007 - Ashley National Forest, Utah, Salt Lake And Uinta Special Meridians. 1955 (reprint of 1945 edition with Forest boundary revision to 7-1-1954) (rolled)--History--Maps--Ashley National Forest--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1008 - Ashley Valley 1907. Reconnaissance Map, USGS (includes description of the topographic map on back)--History--Maps--Ashley Valley--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1009 - Ashley Valley Map - late 1970's--History--Maps--Ashley Valley--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1010 - Ashley Valley Survey - Asphalt Ridge - T5S R21 SLM Surveyed by AD Ferron in 1879--History--Maps--Ashley Valley--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1011 - Ashley Valley Survey - T4S R21E SLM ( Aprx June 1879)--History--Maps--Ashley Valley--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1012 - Ashley Valley Survey - T5S R20E SLM (no date - early 1900's ?)--History--Maps--Ashley Valley--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1013 - Ashley, Utah reprint edition of Dec. 1885 map. US Dept of the Interior: USGS (National Carographic Information Center - Roll No. 126, Frame No. 048)--History--Maps--Ashley Valley--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1014 - Bennett and Leeton Map - Uintah County, Utah--History--Maps--Bennett, Utah--Leeton,Utah--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1015 - Bonneville Lake map (A Water body of the Quaternary Period) ©1984--History--Maps--Lake Bonneville--Water Resources
Map 1016 - Camp Douglas Sketch, Utah Territory, June 1864--History--Maps--Utah Territory
Map 1017 - Camp Floyd Surveyed and Drawn January 1859 (rolled)--History--Maps--Utah Territory
Map 1018 - Canyonlands National Park (Lin Ottinger Tours) Map and brochure ©1972--History--Maps--National Parks--Utah
Map 1019 - Denver Northwestern and Pacific Railway "Moffat Road" and Projected Lines, Denver, Colorado April 1st, 1911--Maps--History--Railroads
Map 1020 - Dry Fork (aka Mountain Dell or Hallsville.) prepared by Oral Merkley and Liz Weist--History--Maps--Ashley Valley--Uintah County (Utah);Duchesne, Duchesne County, Utah; Sanborn Map Company, April 1917. (Courtesy of Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)
Map 1021 - Duchesne, Duchesne County, Utah; Sanborn Map Company, April 1917. (Courtesy of Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Duchesne County (Utah)
Map 1022 - Duchesne, Duchesne County, Utah; Sanborn Map Company, April 1917. Corrected July 1931. (Courtesy of Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm)--History--Maps--Duchesne County (Utah)
Map 1023 - East Tavaputs, Utah-Colorado. reprint edition of Dec. 1885 map. US Dept of the Interior: USGS (National Carographic Information Center - Roll No. 126, Frame No. 408)--History--Maps--Tavaputs Plateau, Utah-Colorado
Map 1024 - Energy Project Sites, Uintah County. 1980's--Maps--History--Oil & Gas--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1025 - Fort Bridger, Original Survey--Maps--History--Wyoming--Forts--Trails
Map 1026 - Fort Duchesne, Utah, Reservation Map, Nov 29, 1907--Maps--History--Utah--Forts--Trails
Map 1027 - Fort Thornburgh, Map of the road from Park City to Ft. Thornburgh. Sept 1881--Maps--History--Utah--Forts--Trails
Map 1028 - Fort Thornburgh, Proposed Reservation for Post--Maps--History--Utah--Forts--Trails
Map 1029 - Fort Uintah, Fort Thornburgh, Fort Bridger and old trails, Utah-Wyoming. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society.)--History--Utah--Wyoming--Forts--Trails
Map 1030 - Green River Survey. Jul 3, 1961. Preliminary Map of Green River from Green River Station to Uintah River. (11" x 17")--History--Maps--Green River--Water--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1031 - Green River Survey. Jul 3, 1961. Preliminary Map of Green River from Green River Station to Uintah River. (20" x 30")--History--Maps--Green River--Water--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1032 - Green River Survey. Jul 3, 1961. Preliminary Map of Green River from Green River Station to Uintah River. (24" x 36")--History--Maps--Green River--Water--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1033 - Hastings Cutoff in Wyoming. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society)--History--Maps--Wyoming
Map 1034 - Indian Reservation (Uintah) and part of the Uncompahgre Indian Reservation. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society.)--Maps--History--Utes--Uncompahgre--Indian Culture
Map 1035 - Indian Reservation, Sketch of the proposed, 1856. National Archives, records of the Dept of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, Utah Superintendency File--Maps--History--Utes--Uncompahgre--Indian Culture
Map 1036 - Jensen, Utah-Colorado. Edition of June 1910 map. US Dept of the Interior: USGS (National Carographic Information Center - Roll No. 127, Frame No. 162)--Maps--History--Quadrangle maps--Utah-Colorado
Map 1037 - Johnson's New Military Map of the United States (western half), showing forts, military posts and all military divisions, 1861. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society)--Maps--History--Military--Johnson
Map 1038 - Lake Powell and Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. Recreational Facilities and Services. September 1969--Maps--History--National Recreation Areas--Utah--Arizona
Map 1039 - Maeser, Plat Map 1935 - 1945--Maps--History--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1040 - Marsh Peak Quad; Utah-Wyoming. 1905 - 1906 (USGS) Includes description of the topographic map on back.--Maps--History--Quadrangle Maps--Utah--Wyoming
Map 1041 - Marsh Peak Quad; Utah-Wyoming. Edition of June 1908 (USGS)--Maps--History--Quadrangle Maps--Utah--Wyoming
Map 1042 - Marsh Peak, Utah-Wyoming. Edition of June 1908 map US Dept of the Interior: USGS (National Carographic Information Center - Roll No. 127, Frame No. 303))--Maps--History--Quadrangle Maps--Utah--Wyoming
Map 1043 - No map
Map 1044 - Massey Ranch and Massey Meadow early residents - hand drawn map--Maps--History--Dry Fork--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1045 - Mexico, USGS, Bulletin 817, Plate 6, Part of the map of Mexico prepared by J. Disturnell and published in New York in 1847--Maps--History--Mexico
Map 1046 - Moffat County, Colorado 2010 Brochure (City of Craig, Colorado map)--Maps--History--Moffat County (Colorado)
Map 1047 - Movements of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also the routes of the Mormon Battalion, Zion's Camp and important data. 1928 (Rolled)--Maps--Hisoty--Mormon Battalion--Zion's Camp--Utah
Map 1048 - Myton, Duchesne County, Utah; Sanborn Map Company, April 1917. (Courtesy of Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Sanborn Map--Duchesne County (Utah)
Map 1049 - Myton, Duchesne County, Utah; Sanborn Map Company, April 1917. Corrected July 1931. (Courtesy of Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Sanborn Map--Duchesne County (Utah)
Map 1050 - Myton, Pleasant Valley and Sandwash Road. Bert and Diana Jenson--Maps--History--Myton--Pleasant Valley--Sandwash--Roads
Map 1095 - Utah map showing towns, settlements, main wagon roads, counties and land grants as of 1858. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society.)--Maps--History--Roads--Settlements--Utah
Map 1096 - Utah Road Map ©1940 by H. M. Goushua Co. Prepared exclusively for Standard Oil Company of California--Maps--History--Roads--Utah
Map 1097 - Utah State Roads 1915 - 1916 State Road Commission--Maps--History--Roads--Utah
Map 1098 - Utah Territory - showing counties, 1857. Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society--Maps--History--Utah
Map 1099 - Utah Territory 1884 (Northern and northeastern Utah)--Maps--History--Utah
Map 1100 - Utah Territory and Military Dept map. 1860. Copied from negative film. Bureau of Topographic Engineers of the War Department--Maps--History--Roads--Military--Utah
Map 1101 - Utah Territory and Military Dept. 1860 (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society)--Maps--History--Roads--Military--Utah
Map 1102 - Utah, 1868 Map - Western part--Maps--History--Roads--Utah
Map 1103 - Utah, 1881 Map; From Rand, McNally and Co. Indexed Atlas of the WorldUtah, 1881--Maps--History--Roads--Utah
Map 1104 - Utah, Froiseth's Sectional & Mineral Map, 1875, northeastern portion only--Maps--History--Roads--Utah
Map 1105 - Utah-Northeastern Corner; West's New Sectional & Topographical Map-1885--Maps--History--Roads--Topography--Utah
Map 1106 - Utah-Prospector's map, the Rio Grande Western Railway. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society)--Maps--History--Roads--Railroads--Utah
Map 1107 - Vernal and Ashley Valley - 1980's--Maps--History--Vernal--Ashley Valley--Roads--Utah
Map 1108 - Vernal and Ashley Valley, late 1970's (including Jensen, Steinaker and Dry Fork) (rolled)--Maps--History--Vernal--Ashley Valley--Steinaker--Dry Fork--Roads--Utah
Map 1109 - Vernal and Ashley Valley, late 1970's--Maps--History--Vernal--Ashley Valley--Roads--Utah
Map 1110 - Vernal City - Early 1980's--Maps--History--Vernal--Roads--Utah
Map 1111 - Vernal City Business Locations, early 1900's hand drawn--Maps--History--Vernal--Roads--Utah
Map 1112 - Vernal City Map - late 1970's --Maps--History--Vernal City--Roads--Utah
Map 1113 - Vernal City Map - late 1970's --Maps--History--Vernal City--Roads--Utah
Map 1114 - Vernal City, Official map (Surveyor's Certificate) June 1907--Maps--History--Vernal City--Roads--Utah
Map 1115 - Vernal Memorial Park Cemetery --Maps--History--Vernal--Cemetery--Roads--Utah
Map 1116 - Vernal Milling and Light Company, 1901. Survey of Company power line--Maps--History--Vernal City--Roads--Utah
Map 1117 - Vernal Quad; Utah-Wyoming. 1913 - 1914 (USGS) Includes description of the topographic map on back--Maps--History--Vernal--Quadrangle--Roads--Wyoming--Utah
Map 1118 - Vernal Quadrangle, 1917 edition (USGS)--Maps--History--Quadrangle--Utah
Map 1119 - Vernal Utah Ashley Stake Ward Boundaries 1975 --Maps--History--Vernal--Ashley Stake--Roads--Utah
Map 1120 - Vernal, NE sheet - USGS 1964 with 1879 Ashley Valley superimposed--Maps--History--Vernal--Ashley Valley--Roads--Utah
Map 1121 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, sheet 1. Sanborn Map Company, December 1910. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1122 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, sheet 1. Sanborn Map Company, May 1917 . (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1123 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, sheet 1. Sanborn Map Company, May 1917. Corrected July 1931. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1124 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, sheet 2. Sanborn Map Company, December 1910. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1125 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, sheet 2. Sanborn Map Company, December 1910. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1126 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, sheet 2. Sanborn Map Company, May 1917. Corrected July 1931. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1127 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, sheet 3. Sanborn Map Company, May 1917 . (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1128 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, sheet 3. Sanborn Map Company, May 1917. Corrected July 1931. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1129 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, sheet 4. Sanborn Map Company, May 1917 . (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1130 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah, sheet 4. Sanborn Map Company, May 1917. Corrected July 1931. (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society, copied from negative microfilm.)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1131 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah; Sanborn Map Co., sheet 1, May 1917 with index (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1132 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah; Sanborn Map Co., sheet 1, Dec 1910 (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1133 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah; Sanborn Map Co., sheet 2, Dec 1910 (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1134 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah; Sanborn Map Co., sheet 2, May 1917 (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1135 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah; Sanborn Map Co., sheet 3, May 1917 (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1136 - Vernal, Uintah County, Utah; Sanborn Map Co., sheet 4, May 1917 (Courtesy of the Utah State Historical Society)--Maps--History--Vernal--Sanborn Maps--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1137 - Vernal, Utah 'The Convention City' prior to 1968 and after 1968--Maps--History--Vernal--Uintah County (Utah)
Map 1138 - Wagon Routes in Utah Territory Explored and Opened 1858-59--Maps--History--Wagon Routes--Utah
Map 1139 - Wagon Road, Ft. Kearney South Pass & Honey Lake. 1857-58. Copied from negative film. Bureau of Topographic Engineers of the War Department--Maps--History--Wagon Routes--Utah
Map 1140 - Wagon Routes in Utah Territory (Uinta Basin) 1858 - 1859--Maps--History--Wagon Routes--Uinta Basin--Utah
Map 1141 - Wagon Routes in Utah Territory Explored and Opened 1858-59 --Maps--History--Wagon Routes--Utah
Map 1142 - Vernal, Utah Central Business District. Late 1970's with Ashley Center Fort superimposed (rolled)--Maps--History--Vernal--Ashley Center--Forts--Uintah (Utah)
Map 1143 - Uintah Indian Reservation boundary 1875-1903--1949-10-04
Map 1144 Ashley National Forest - Forest Atlas Jan 1909--Maps--History--Map Atlas--Ashley
Map 1145 Territories & Pacific States by Samuel Bowles--1865
Map 1146 1882-1917 Uintah County
Map 1147 1906-1940 Uintah County
Map 1149 Topo and Geological Survey of Green River No. 1, Preliminary Map of Green River: From Green River Station to Uintah River
Map 1150 Blue Mountain--Roads--Land Owners--On the Rangley Co(2) Pipeline Project Map--1984
Map 1151 US Geological Survey--Utah Ashley Sheet--Edition of December 1885 (Copy)
Map 1152 US Geological Survey--Plug Hat Rock Quadrangle--1962; Blue Mountain Land Owners--Dinosaur National Monument
Map 1153 US Geological Survey--1968 Snake John Reef, Utah and Colo K Ranch K Ranch
Map 1154 US Geological Survey 1968--Cliff Ridge Quadrangle--Uintah County, Utah--Bourdette Draw-Powder Wash-Snake John Reef
Map 1155 US Geological Survey--Stuntz Reservoir Quadrangle--1955
Map 1156 US Geological Survey--Split Mountain Quadrangle--1955 Bassett Information
Map 1158 US Geological Survey--M F Mountain Quadrangle--Moffat Co, Colorado--Blue Mountain--Homes and Ranches
Map 1159 US Geological Survey--Haystack Rock Quadrangle--Moffat Co, Colorado--1962; Blue Mountain Land Owners--Ranches
Map 1160 US Geological Survey--Skull Creek Quadrangle--Moffat Co, Colorado--1962; Blue Mountain Land Owners and Ranches
Map 1161 US Geological Survey--Tanks Peak Quadrangle--Moffat Co, Colorado--1962; Blue Mountain Land Owners and Ranches
Map 1162 US Geological Survey--Lazy Y Point Quadrangle--Moffat Co, Colorado--1962; Blue Mountain Land Owners and Ranches
Map 1163 US Geological Survey--Elk Springs Quatrangle--Moffat Co, Colorado--1960; Blue Mountain
Map 1164 US Geological Survey--Indian Water Canyon Quatrangle--Moffat Co, Colorado--1962; Blue Mountain
Map 1165 Dinosaur National Monument--1971
Map 1166 Blue Mountain--2002--Uintah Engineering
Map 1167 Uinta Mountains--Bruce H. Wegener--1973
Map 1948 Uintah County Stage Coach Road from Dragon to Vernal and Dragon to Ft. Duchesne
New Mexico East San Juan Basin Formations; Oil and Gas Investigations--US DOI GS--1946
Principe Orders of Insects Chart
Utah Map--Foreseth's New Mineral and Sectional Map--1878--Towns, Cities, County Boundaries, Rivers, and Lakes
Vernal Phosphate Area USGS --1950--Preliminary Geological Strip Maps of Formations--1973
Vernal Phosphate Area USGS Contour Map--1950
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